Opportunities to improve human flourishing abound.

Elevating What Works is a newsletter and blog by Ben Baran and Chris Everett that explores these opportunities by examining the relevant social science and finding evidence-based practices that will help. Their approach draws from a wide range of disciplines, including industrial/organizational psychology, management, sociology, communication studies, political science, philosophy, and more.

It is within this space that Ben and Chris have dedicated their efforts—as curious people, academics, consultants, and practitioners—and are swinging for the fences to make the world better.

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Organizational psychologist, professor, consultant, speaker, captain in the U.S. Navy Reserve. Picker-upper of heavy things. Views do not represent any employers.
Owner of Breaking Even Inc. Lover of short videos and short dogs.
Organizational problem-solver, facilitator, and culture curator. Podcaster, avid skier, kayaker, guitar player. Always up for a funny or inspirational story.